Tuesday, 9 August 2016

What We Do

What we do

Our freeconfidential helpline is answered by prefessionally trained volunteers. So, whatever your concerns are, you can be rest assured that you will receive non-judgmental and non-critical listening
Please note, the caller's identity is never revealed and none of our calls are recorded or shared

  • The Centre offers befriending, which is well researched technique, to provide emotional support by Compassionate Listening, with warmth and understanding, so that the affected person can ventilate his feelings in total confidence, by remaining anonymous.

  • The keyword for the well trained volunteer to enable people to unburden their feelings is CARE. Confidentiality-Acceptance-Respect and Empathy .
  • JEEVAN offers free service to the public from its centre at 25,Q Road, Bistupur, Jamshedpur - 831001, everyday from 10 AM to 6 P.M. 

  • The affected person can either contact on telephone or can visit the centre in person for confidential help and support .

  • Urban Development Deptt of Tata Steel has been arranging awareness cum Motivational programs in its community Development Centres and Joint Departmental committiees (JWC) on regular baiss. This helps the affected persons to know, as to whom they should contact for help and support .

  • Town Administration also takes interest in helping us by spreading awareness and message though Hoardings and Leaflets. DC east singhbum had been the pattron of JEEVAN from ........ to 2013 .

  • Expert phychatrists from MGM Hospital and from Tata Main Hospital are invited from time to time for addressing and sharing their expertise with our volunteers on regular basis. Dr. Sanjay Agarwal of TMH and Dr. Deepak Giri of MGM hospital have been supporting our cause in may ways. They also coo-operate in organizing surveys , awareness programs like rallies, interactive workshops etc., for the public and specially for school.

  • Most of the schools in jamshedpur also have been supporting the cause of JEEVAN by joining hands with them in conducting awareness programme, workshops, debates, competitions , panel discussions etc.

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