Tuesday, 9 August 2016

About Us

About us

Jeevan sanstha is a member of of BEFRIENDERS INDIA . Befrienders India is a member of  the International organization, BEFRIENDERS WORLDWIDE, U.K. . It is a suicide prevention Center and provides emotional support to the depressed, distressed and suicidal people. This support has some unique characteristics. It is a sort of listening theraphy. It calls for compassionate listening. A lot of research has gone into the development of its Technique. 
The methods are continuously Improved and updated by the parent body. One may be surprised to know that it is , to a large extent, different from counseling . 

BEFRIENDERS INDIA (http://befriendersindia.net/)

Befrienders India is a member of International Organisation, Befrienders Worldwide.
It has 12 suicide prevention centers in India, located in all metros and big cities .
It organizes biannual conference, where all the centres of India as well as centres 
at Sri Lanka participate to share and update their experience and findings.

BEFRIENDERS WORLDWIDE (http://www.befrienders.org/)

Earlier known as SAMARITANS, Befrieners worldwide has its headquarter in UK and 
is represented in more than 45 countries. Its South East Asia regianal centre is located 
in Sri Lanka . 
Amongst others, it provides a well structured training system and contents to all the
Centres. Its research wing keeps the centres updated with its latest findings on suicides
and depression .


Jamshedpur has a history of high suicide rates . Realising this Jeevan was formed on 
10th September 2006 &the Centre was started on 21st March 2007 at Maharashtra 
Hitkari Mandal, K -Road, Bistupur, Jamshedpur- 831001 (later on shifted to our current 
address ) . It had working time 2pm to 6pm and the helpline no. was - 0657-6453841 .
Jeevan's Membership of Befriending India and Befrienders , U.K.  was on Probation. 

"Jeevan" received its permanent membership on 6th Dec 2009. Since then 'Jeevan' 
continues to be the permanent member.
Jeevan's main objective is to reduce the number of suicides by providing Emotional 
support to the Caller. The volunteers are non judgemental & Befriending 
(Listening Therapy) is done on the principal of CARE.

Support Pillars of Jeevan

All Corporate, like Tata Steel and Jemipol etc , as well as the Administration has shown great concern about the high rate of suicides in Jamshedpur and have expressed their full support to JEEVAN, in its systematic and concerned efforts to control it .Tata steel  has provided premises for JEEVAN at 25, Q Road, Bistupur. It is also providing support for giving wide publicity in the Town on regular basisUrban Development Deptt of Tata Steel has been arranging awareness cum Motivational programs in its community Development Centres and Joint Departmental committiees (JWC) on regular baiss. This helps the affected persons to know, as to whom they should contact for help and support .Town Administration also takes interest in helping us by spreading awareness and message though Hoardings and Leaflets. DC east singhbum had been the pattron of JEEVAN from ........ to 2013 .

Expert phychatrists from MGM Hospital and from Tata Main Hospital are invited  from time to time for addressing and sharing their expertise with our volunteers on regular basis. Dr. Sanjay Agarwal of TMH and Dr. Deepak Giri of MGM hospital have been supporting our cause in may ways. They also coo-operate in organizing surveys , awareness programs like rallies, interactive workshops etc., for the public and specially for school.Most of the schools in jamshedpur also have been supporting the cause of JEEVAN by joining hands with them in conducting awareness programme, workshops, debates, competitions , panel discussions etc.  

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