Thursday, 8 September 2016


You are requested to DONATE  for a noble cause 


Name of Account - Jeevan Suicide Preventioin Centre

A/C No.- 00871450000059

Bank - HDFC Bank

Branch - Jamshedpur Branch

IFSC Code - HDFC 0000087

For further details Kindly contact to our JeevanSanstha

Helpline No.: 0657-6453841/6555555
25,Q Road, Bistupur, Jamshedpur - 831001  
                                                  Email :

How does your DONATION help?

JEEVAN  volunteers and beneficiaries are grateful for your donations
Your donations help us broad base the fight against suicide by aiding us in developing a larger volunteer force:

i) to provide 24x7 suicide prevention emotional support hotline services 
ii) increase the awareness campaign
iii) fight against the debilitating effects of stigma associated with depression, suicide and mental illness
iv) support suicide survivors to cope with their grief and loss
v) develop strategies to reach out to a larger group of people to prevent suicides
vi) conduct research, educate and train peer support gatekeepers to become first response interventionists in order to pre-empt suicide. 

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